The Diviner

m a g a z i n e

The quarterly electronic magazine “The Diviner”, owned by Divine Hotels group, is bilingual (Greek - English) and it was first published on July of 2017. Its various contents focus on the Dodecanese and include gastronomy, culture and wellness columns, interviews, reportages and information about the corporate social activities.  Its purpose is double:  on one hand to project and promote the interesting stories of the locals, and on the other hand to create a more intimate relationship with the guests of our Group’s hotels.  In short, its ambition is to be an effective communication channel between the local businesses, the residents and the visitors. “Diviner” is a person who searches for water underneath the ground using a special rod.  Just like the diviners of the old days were searching for water and other valuable sources using their rod, our magazine searches for stories worth reading of the people of Dodecanese.  More specifically, the column “Ntomataki” attempts to revive the old local recipes and at the same time to project the evolved cuisine of the region. 

Moreover, the column “Meraki” allows the readers to have the opportunity to meet producers from all the islands that create quality products and play an active role to the development of the Dodecanese gastronomical identity. Also, the column “Euforia” deals with wellbeing secrets, notes down useful wellness tips for an everyday life full of health, and explores new ways of working out and training. Finally, the columns about culture, the reportages, the journalistic missions and the interviews intend to complete the puzzle of the lifestyle in Dodecanese.  In those interviews, artists, politicians, scientists, athletes and public figures either narrate their personal stories or analyze current events, while in the reportages and in the journalistic missions, the editorial group of our magazine puts important local social issues under the spotlight.  Our separate section about culture gathers in its calendar all the current events in Kos and Patmos, helping this way the readers to plan their visit to the islands even better.

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VP Legacy Group
VP Legacy Group